جری ساينفلد نويسنده و بازيگر سريال مشهور ساينفلد هست که به مدت 9 فصل (season) در آمريکا توليد و پخش شد و به موفقيت چشمگيری دست يافت. ماجراهای اين سريال در مورد رويدادهای روزمره جری و رفقايش جرج کوستانزا (خپل و بی دست و پا) ، کاسمو کرايمر (قد بلند با اعتقادات عجيب) و دوست دختر سابقش الين (موفرفری و ريزه نقش، و خيلی متحکم) می گذرد. به گفته ای ،سريال ساينفلد، سريالی در مورد "هيچ" هست.
يکی از ماجراهای اين سريال که در سال هفتم اتفاق می افتد سوپ نازی هست. ماجرای آشپزی که سوپهای خيلی خوشمزه ای می پزد و هميشه صف درازی در جلوی مغازه اش برقرار هست، اما اين آشپز مقررات خاصی در مغازه اش دارد که اگر کسی از آنها تعدی کند از سوپ گرفتن محروم می شود. جری و جرج به توصيه کرايمر به اين مغازه می روند اما جرج کوستانزا که به نگرفتن نان همراه سوپ اعتراض می کند از گرفتن سوپ محروم می شود…بار ديگر، الين که با آشپز صحبت می کند و او را به آل پاچينو تشبيه می کند از گرفتن سوپ به مدت يکسال محروم می شود…
No Soup For You!
الهام بخش اين اپيزود، آشپزی ايرانی به نام علي يگانه در مانهاتان بوده که به دليل شلوغی بيش از حد مغازه اش مقررات سفت و سختی برای تحويل سوپ برقرار کرده بود. … اين روزها اين آشپز با استعداد، Soup Kitchen International را راه انداخته که مانند مک دونالد در بسياری از ايالتهای آمريکا و استانهای کانادا شعبه دارد.
ظاهرا اين آشپز از مطرح شدنش در سريال ساينفلد بسيار ناراضی بوده و مراجعات هواداران ساينفلد و صحبت کردن از Soup Nazi او را شديداً عصبانی می کرده است.
از سخنان گهربار جری ساينفلد:I know that women often complain about the number of things you have to do get male attention, the high heels, the pantyhose, the makeup, but let me tell you, it's even worse if you're a man. Because if you're a man you don't know what to do. That's why we're building bridges, climbing mountains, exploring uncharted territories. You think we want to do these things? Nobody wants to build a bridge. It's really, really hard! Designing rockets flying off into space. I guarantee you, every astronaut when he comes back from space, goes up to a girl and goes:" So, did you see me up there?"
...Seems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen. To men, sex is an emergency, and no matter what we're doing we can be ready in two minutes. Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They're very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur.
Men and women all in all, behave just like our basic sexual elements. If you watch single men on a weekend night they really act very much like sperm - all disorganized, bumping into their friends, swimming in the wrong direction. "I was first." "Let me through." "You're on my tail." "That's my spot." They're like the Three Billion Stooges. But the egg is very cool: "Well, who's it going to be? I can divide. I can wait a month. I'm not swimming anywhere."
Why is commitment such a big problem for a man? I think that for some reason when a man is driving down that freeway of love, the woman he's with is like an exit, but he doesn't want to get off there. He wants to keep driving. And the woman is like, "Look, gas, food, lodging, that's our exit, that's everything we need to be happy...Get off here, now!" But the man is focusing on sign underneath that says, "Next exit 27 miles," and he thinks, "I can make it." Sometimes he can, sometimes he can't. Sometimes, the car ends up on the side of the road, hood up and smoke pouring out of the engine. He's sitting on the curb all alone, "I guess I didn't realize how many miles I was racking up.